FAQ - Power User Options - Advanced

Advanced Users Introduction
Our CMS is the perfect content management solution for web designers and graphic designers. Read this quick introduction to get you on the right track.

Colorbox - Popups
We make extensive use of the ColorBox popup, that popup with the thick rounded black edges. Click the link for more info

Advanced CSS Tip Sheet For Responsive Design
Advanced web designers might like to learn about our CSS approaches going forward, so you can do more interesting things with the basic templates

Where to find your RSS feed for a Blog, News or Events page
All blog pages provide individual RSS feeds for the page as well as a combined RSS feed.

Importing a website designed externally
Here is the process to follow to import a website designed externally.

Menus - Active Page CSS Classes
The :active option in CSS is actually for an active link on the calling page.. but links only stay active for a split second, when a nwe page is loaded. Heres a quick way to change the class of current page.

Advertising - Rotating Clickable Adverts
Do you want to run advertising on your website? How do you go about it...

Help - File Site pages being overwritten by CMS pages
What to do if your filesite pages are being overwritten on when the site is published

Adding javascript to your website
A quick guide to where to add your js scripts to the custom template

Web Site Account Transfers
Transfering a Website to a new owner

Transfer/Import Website With Many Pages
Please follow this procedure if you need to import a website with lots of pages.

Random Content
Learn how to randomise content here.

ReCaptcha / Human Prompt
We have now made available the Google ReCaptcha widget to help prevent spam on forms and forums.

Adding a youtube popup video with Colorbox
HTML coding is required to enable youtube videos to work via a popup Colorbox video

Mobile Devices
Learn how we deal with mobile devices, and what else you can do with them.

Setting the correct timezone
How do you set the timezone for your country - this can be set in the contact area of your website

Additional Website Administrators
Give other people access to your website, in a full or limited way. This can include staff users, so their activity is tracked, independent SEO people, or staff POS users.

Real Estate Listings Banner
Learn more about using the [BANNERHOMES] feature for a rotating homes banner on your home page.

Updating website design of live website
How best to update the website design of a live site

Get your Page ID
Each page has a unique ID.

Smart Blocks
Smart Blocks allow you to set and edit content once and have it update in multiple places on your site.

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